712 research outputs found

    An investigation to examine the most appropriate methodology to capture historical and modern preserved anatomical specimens for use in the digital age to improve access: a pilot study

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    Anatomico-pathological specimens constitute a valuable component of many medical museums or institutional collections but can be limited in their impact on account of both physical and intellectual inaccessibility. Further concerns relate to conservation as anatomical specimens may be subject to tissue deterioration, constraints imposed by spatial or financial limitations of the host institution, or accident-based destruction. In awareness of these issues, a simple and easily implementable methodology to increase accessibility, impact and conservation of anatomical specimens is proposed which combines photogrammetry, object virtual reality (object VR), and interactive portable document format (PDF) with supplementary historical and anatomical commentary. The methodology was developed using wet, dry, and plastinated specimens from the historical and modern collections in the Museum of Anatomy at the University of Glasgow. It was found that photogrammetry yielded excellent results for plastinated specimens and showed potential for dry specimens, while object VR produced excellent photorealistic virtual specimens for all materials visualised. Use of PDF as output format was found to allow for the addition of textual, visual, and interactive content, and as such supplemented the virtual specimen with multidisciplinary information adaptable to the needs of various audiences. The results of this small-scale pilot study indicate the beneficial nature of combining these established techniques into a methodology for the digitisation and utilisation of historical anatomical collections in particular, but also collections of material culture more broadly

    The role of the oestrogen receptor in antioestrogen resistant breast cancer

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    Breast cancers are often treated with antioestrogens, response rates being highest in cancers expressing oestrogen receptors, responsive tumours will however eventually become resistant. This thesis examines the role of altered oestrogen receptors in the development of antioestrogen resistance. Oestiogen receptors are nuclear hormone receptors that on binding oestradiol bind to specific sequences on DNA and are able to modify the rate of transcription of target genes. Antioestrogens competitively bind to the oestrogen receptor displacing oestradiol but are unable to fully activate the receptor. Oestrogen receptors with aberrant properties may lead to antioestrogen resistance and could arise from mutation of the gene or through alternate splicing of exons. Variant oestrogen receptor MRNA arising from alternative splicing of coding exons has been reported in breast cancers. One splice variant lacking exon 5 encodes a truncated receptor, which has constitutive activity in yeast. To explore the role of this variant in antioestrogen resistant breast cancer, stable cell lines expressing the variant on a conditional promoter have been isolated. These clones do not appear to have altered proliferative response to oestrogen or antioestrogens and there is no constitutive induction of oestrogen responsive genes in the presence of splice variant receptor, however modest activity of some reporter constructs is seen. A short region of the hormone binding domain of the receptor has been identified as being important in determining the response of the receptor to ligand, specific mutations leading to loss of oestradiol activation but leading to stimulation of transcription by antioestrogens in HeLa cells. The activity of such mutant receptors has been examined in breast cancer cell lines. Modest agonist activity is seen in transient expression systems and attempts to establish stable expression of mutant receptors are described. A system for the identification of mutations in this region has been used to screen for mutations in human breast cancers. Mutations that alter the ligand binding properties of the receptor have been reported. In order to identify mutations that are unable to bind tamoxifen but are still activated by oestrogen, a yeast screening system was used to screen randomly mutated oestrogen receptors. The properties of mutations identified from this system are described

    Digital curation and online resources: digital scanning of surgical tools at the royal college of physicians and surgeons of Glasgow for an open university learning resource

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    Collection preservation is essential for the cultural status of any city. However, presenting a collection publicly risks damage. Recently this drawback has been overcome by digital curation. Described here is a method of digitisation using photogrammetry and virtual reality software. Items were selected from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow archives, and implemented into an online learning module for the Open University. Images were processed via Agisoft Photoscan, Autodesk Memento, and Garden Gnome Object 2VR. Although problems arose due to specularity, 2VR digital models were developed for online viewing. Future research must minimise the difficulty of digitising specular objects

    Resultados teóricos y prácticos sobre procesamiento de señales

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    Tesis doctoral inédita, leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Matemáticas. Fecha de lectura: 19-12-201

    Valoración de las actividades antropogénicas establecidas en tres pisos bioclimáticos de la zona noroccidental de la Provincia de Cotopaxi

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    In the present research study, the assessment of anthropogenic activities established on three bioclimatic floors of the northwestern area of the Cotopaxi province was carried out, for this the diagnosis of the current situation of the bioclimatic floors of the humid forest was initiated, with the purpose of establish the anthropogenic activity identified as critical within the three bioclimatic floors. The research was carried out through a non-experimental design that was applied in a transversal way, bibliographic and descriptive methods were applied, jointly applied with the techniques of surveys, observation, field trips, SWOT matrix that allows to identify the strengths, threats, opportunities and weaknesses. The results achieved allowed the identification of anthropogenic activities with a percentage of 50% destined to agriculture, 35% to livestock and 15% activities directed to the tourism sector, then they were grouped by sectors considering all the actions that may cause an environmental impact, they were considered three environmental, physical, biological and cultural aspects. Immediately, a subjective assessment of the environmental impacts of the activities was carried out, within this assessment criterion such as magnitude and importance were considered. In general, it is observed that, through the analysis carried out, the environmental element that was considered as affected was the flora and fauna component. The activities that generate the greatest negative impacts are within the agricultural sector. Being important to establish training aimed at sustainability, and the ecological balance of these areas of great importance.En el presente estudio de investigación se realizó la valoración de actividades antropogénicas establecidas sobre tres pisos bioclimáticos de la zona noroccidental de la provincia de Cotopaxi, para ello se inició el diagnóstico de la situación actual de los pisos bioclimáticos del bosque húmedo, con la finalidad de establecer la actividad antropogénica identificada como critica dentro de los tres pisos bioclimáticos. La investigación se la realizo mediante un diseño no experimental que se aplicó de manera transversal, se aplicaron métodos bibliográficos, descriptivos, conjuntamente aplicados con las técnicas de, encuestas, observación, salidas de campo, matriz DAFO que permite identificar las fortalezas amenazas, oportunidades y debilidades. Los resultados alcanzados permitieron identificar actividades antropogénicas con un porcentaje de 50% destinado a la agricultura, 35% a la ganadería y 15% actividades dirigidas al sector turístico, luego se agruparon por sectores considerando todas las acciones que pueden ocasionar un impacto ambiental, se consideraron tres aspectos ambientales, físicos, biológicos y culturales. Inmediatamente se realizó una valoración subjetiva de los impactos ambientales de las actividades, dentro de esta evaluación se consideraron criterios como magnitud e importancia. En general se observa que, mediante el análisis realizado, el elemento ambiental que se consideró como afectado fue el componente flora y fauna. Las actividades que generan mayores impactos negativos se encuentran dentro del sector agrícola. Siendo importante establecer capacitaciones encaminadas hacia la sostenibilidad, y al equilibrio ecológico de estas zonas de gran importancia

    Low grade Ductal Carcinoma in situ (DCIS): how best to describe it?

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    BACKGROUND: In the absence of definitive data about the natural history of DCIS the appropriateness of describing DCIS as cancer is controversial. METHODS: We conducted a survey amongst British Breast Group (BBG) members, to determine which descriptions of DCIS were deemed most accurate and appropriate. RESULTS: 54/73 (74%) attendees completed the survey: A majority (34/54; 63%) said they would be comfortable using the description that explained DCIS as abnormal cells in the milk ducts that had not spread into other breast tissue and which did not need urgent treatment as if it was breast cancer and this description was overall the most preferred (24/54; 44%). CONCLUSIONS: Little consensus exists regarding how best to explain low grade DCIS to patients

    Fuerzas Armadas y orden público:el Acuerdo Ministerial 179 desde una perspectiva histórica latinoamericana y nacional

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    En el presente artículo se realizará, mediante un método de investigación cualitativa de tipo bibliográfico, un análisis cronológico general del rol que han tenido las fuerzas armadas en los estados latinoamericanos y específicamente en Ecuador, desde el retorno a la democracia en 1979, hasta nuestros días. Con este mismo enfoque, se revisará una postura crítica sobre el desarrollo de la Doctrina de la Seguridad Nacional, utilizada como justificación teórica para dar respuesta a las amenazas contemporáneas con la intromisión de las Fuerzas Armadas en asuntos de orden interno de los Estados, mediante el ejercicio de roles tradicionalmente correspondientes a la Policía, que serán especificados a lo largo del texto. En correspondencia con esta realidad, se presentará un estudio normativo del Acuerdo Ministerial 179, por el cual, se regula el uso de la fuerza por parte de los cuerpos militares dentro de varios contextos, incluyendo cuestiones de orden público; este análisis tendrá como objetivo evidenciar las falencias del Acuerdo al momento de adecuarse a los estándares internacionales; así mismo, se pondrá de manifiesto su deficiente escala de uso racional de la fuerza, lo cual, genera una potencial vulneración de derechos. Por último, se presentará al lector una propuesta plausible para establecer una nueva escala de uso racional de la fuerza, que guarde concordancia con el paradigma de los derechos humanos. Palabras clave: Fuerzas Armadas, orden público, uso racional de la fuerza, seguridad territorial, doctrina de la seguridad nacional, derechos humanos. Abstract This paper presents a bibliographic type based qualitative research regarding a general chronological analysis of the role that the Armed Forces have played in the Latin American States and specifically in Ecuador, from the return to democracy in 1979, to the current days. With this same approach, a critical stance about the development of the Doctrine of National Security will be reviewed, which is used as a theoretical justification to respond to contemporary threats with the meddling of the Armed Forces in internal matters of States by exercising roles traditionally corresponding to the Police. In accordance with this reality, a normative study of the Ministerial Agreement 179 will be also presented, regulating the use of force by military bodies within several contexts, including matters of public policy; this analysis will aim to highlight the lack of the Agreement when comparing to international standards. Additionally, the analysis will also highlight the poor scale of rational use of force, leading to a potential infringement of rights. Finally, a plausible proposal to establish a new scale of rational use of force according to the human rights paradigm will be presented. Keywords: Armed Forces, public order, rational use of force, territorial security, national security doctrine, human right

    Methodology To Capture Historical And Modern Preserved Anatomical Specimens For Use In The Digital Age To Improve Access - A Pilot Study

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    Anatomico-pathological specimens constitute a valuable component of many medical museums or institutional collections but can be limited in their impact on account of both physical and intellectual inaccessibility. Further concerns relate to conservation as anatomical specimens may be subject to tissue deterioration, constraints imposed by spatial or financial limitations of the host institution, or accident-based destruction. In awareness of these issues, a simple and easily implementable methodology to increase accessibility, impact and conservation of anatomical specimens is proposed which combines photogrammetry, object virtual reality (object VR), and interactive portable document format (PDF) with supplementary historical and anatomical commentary. The methodology was developed using wet, dry, and plastinated specimens from the historical and modern collections in the Museum of Anatomy at the University of Glasgow. It was found that photogrammetry yielded excellent results for plastinated specimens and showed potential for dry specimens, while object VR produced excellent photorealistic virtual specimens for all materials visualised. Use of PDF as output format was found to allow for the addition of textual, visual, and interactive content, and as such supplemented the virtual specimen with multidisciplinary information adaptable to the needs of various audiences. The results of this small-scale pilot study indicate the beneficial nature of combining these established techniques into a methodology for the digitisation and utilisation of historical anatomical collections in particular, but also collections of material culture more broadly

    What advice are oncologists and surgeons in the United Kingdom giving to breast cancer patients about physical activity?

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    Evidence has shown that physical activity may attenuate the negative physical, psychological and functional effects of treatment in women diagnosed with breast cancer. Physical activity levels also decline substantially during and after completion of treatment for cancer, highlighting the importance of strategies to promote participation in regular physical activity in this population. Oncologists and surgeons may serve as an influential source of motivation to be physically activity in cancer patients, by conveying the importance of a healthy lifestyle. The primary purpose of the present study was to investigate whether oncologists and surgeons routinely discuss physical activity with their breast cancer patients and to investigate the nature of any information/advice provided during consultations. A secondary aim was to examine whether physically active oncologists and surgeons were more likely to provide advice about physical activity to patients, than inactive oncologists and surgeons. A brief postal questionnaire was sent to 710 consultant breast cancer oncologists and surgeons throughout the UK and 102 responded (response rate = 14.4%). Of responders, most (55.9%) did not routinely discuss physical activity with their patients. Amongst oncologists/surgeons (clinicians) who did offer advice, most focussed on discussing the benefits of physical activity for physical and functional health gains and for facilitating weight control and maintenance. A number of clinicians indicated they advised patients that physical activity may decrease risk of recurrence and improve survival, despite the lack of evidence from RCTs to support this suggestion. There was no significant association between the physical activity status of oncologists/surgeons and the likelihood that they discussed physical activity with patients. Educational strategies aimed at encouraging clinicians to promote physical activity in consultations need to be targeted widely amongst the cancer clinician community